In April 2022 I attended the Pinterest for Business Course, run by Pitman Training in Chelmsford.

At W, one of our leading sources of organic traffic is Pinterest. Prior to attending this course, our monthly impressions were inconsistently around 40,000. Occasionally dropping as low as 29,000. Engagements were around 11,000 and Total Audience 200,000.

Current monthly figures are consistently around: 2.9 Million Impressions, 75,000 Engagements, 900,000 Total Audience.

We had previously only uploaded our photography to Pinterest. A useful tool for anyone creating home inspiration boards whilst/before looking for services from companies like us. But I wanted these to also generate serious leads. I utilised our existing Google Reviews to create pins that would be useful in home-inspiration boards, but would also become triggers to generate leads. For our services to become a serious consideration when people see them.

These were later useful in paid retargeting campaigns on Pinterest.

Pinterest is predominantly a collection of static imagery, the easiest way to stand out amongst static imagery is to upload content that moves.
Due to the pagination of Pinterest, if there was is much video content, or anything too fast-paced and complicated, feeds would become over whelming to scroll through. I kept my videos simple. Slow-paced. Images of beautiful projects, with a little movement.

One of the most common questions we get asked across all social media platforms is where certain furnishings are from, or what paint colours are used.

I wanted to give people a reason to pin our content by offering something that is useful on the platform. So I created a visual ‘Style Guide’. A mood board that details how you may recreate the same look at home.

Considering our target customer persona; People who are interested in home interiors and perhaps redecorating or renovating, using Pinterest as an online shopping tool. These posts were a great way to appeal to those people, utilising the ‘Shop for similar items’ feature on Pinterest and aligning ourselves with brands that match our price point.

Pinterest is a useful tool for directing people to informative webpages. For example recipes, home ‘hacks’, or ‘how-to’ videos. But pins do not display the title of the pin or where it will link to when scrolling your home feed. To get around this, often pins will include a combination of imagery and text to lure people in. Acknowledging this trend I created pins featuring one of the images from the post, the blog title, and ensured that it would click through to the correct page to read.

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